Have an idea for a specific functional polymer but having difficulties with its development and product? Want to have a new functional polymer for your business purpose in the best way possible? Whatever your needs in R&D of specific funtional polymers, we’re the best one you can count on!
Please fill out this form or drop us a line at our mailbox with detailed description concerning the desired properties of your functional polymers, and we’ll be happy to get back to you with solutions and ideas. Also, if interested in our specific polymer products i.e. functional coating reagents, clay polymer and special 3D printer filament.
Leave your landline phone number, we are able to call you worldwide for detailed discussions. This will allow us have more efficient communication.
Language for communication: English and German
Mobile: +41-(0)76-623 15 17
​Postal address
Donna Polymer
Hagenholzstr. 68
CH-8050 Zurich

​​Skype account: Donna Polymer
Skype meeting possible by appointment

Whatsapp account: +41 76 623 15 17
​Video, e.g. Zoom, Webex, meeting possible by appointment